Saturday 24 September 2016

The end for central regional finals~~ It's really glad to said that we got The Best Team Portfolio Award, Best Research & Development Award, Fastest Car Award and also The First Runner up Overall. Our hardworks finally paid off and we were qualified into the National Finals 2016. Thank to our teachers, parents and also those that supported us all the time. #RoadToNationals

Sunday 31 July 2016

Verbal Presentation of Tachyon Tilation!
Guys, we have upload our fine effort in the youtube of this link,

Please spend your 10 minutes to appreciate our doings! Thank you guys! Good day

Friday 22 July 2016

This is for Puan Raja!
Thank you Madam, for guiding us to prepare a complete presentation by keeping it short and sweet.
This would really help us to gain more attention from the viewers as well the judges. We also appreciate the time and ideas you have been spend and share with us without any hesitation. By having professionals with open hearted, will definitely produce students with higher thinking capability and intelligence too. We wholeheartedly thanked you!
Meeting with the Presentation expert!
Wow! Mr. Zachary really implanted more spirit and confidence into us to face the competition with fearless! We will definitely practice each and every tactics and tips that he have gave in a very short period! Thank you sir!

Sunday 17 July 2016

Collaboration with Mr. Wan Aizon

This is quite a late update, but then it's still fresh!
We went all along to the The National University of Malaysia ( UKM ) to collaborate with a Aero-Thermal Dynamics expert to get a better guidance for our Formula One project.
We have gained a lot of advice and information from him to obtain the best result in our project.
We sincerely thanked for his concern and guidelines.

Friday 15 July 2016

Meeting with our school principle!

Today we had a meeting with our school principle after school!
During this busy period, the discussion with her had motivated us a lot as well as encourages our working team spirit. As we promise, we will keep giving out the best for our team and school. Thank you, Puan Zaiton!

Wednesday 13 July 2016

FORMULA 1 2016

Hello guys, we are from SMK Bandar Baru Sungai Long representing our school in Formula One competition in the regional level.  We are group of four members get together as Tachyon Tilation. Here is stage to reveal our own production of F1 model car to race among other schools. We hope to get more support as well some sponsorship to earn victory in the competition. This is the third team sent from our school. And we proudly present that our debut team had won the fastest car award.